Which Toronto property would you buy? The one where you can add an entire extra house to it – or one where you can’t?
ORDER your $89 consult and reportIf you are selling your Toronto property, is it much more valuable – ie. it will fetch a higher price – if it can support a second house on the lot?

We think those are two questions that Toronto home-buyers and home-sellers should be asking TODAY.
We firmly believe that every property transaction – or even potential transaction – from this point forward in Toronto should be considered with informed knowledge of the upcoming garden suite bylaws that will almost certainly be introduced across Toronto, and as early as the end of 2021.
It’s projected that as many as 400,000 individual Toronto properties will qualify for garden suites. But some will not. And even those that do get the green-light will qualify for varying sizes (height, as well as length and width) and even shapes. For example, some properties might only support a 700 square foot garden suite, where others will almost certainly qualify for a 1,291 square foot model (the maximum size under the program, and the size of the rendering image above).
ORDER your $89 consult and reportThe maximum permitted size, shape positioning of the garden suite is defined by almost a dozen parameters, the most important being back yard size, depth, and width. But overall lot size, and existing house positioning will also be major considerations.
Laneway Housing Advisors is the ONLY independent Toronto laneway house and garden suite consulting company. And we are the ONLY company that offers a $99 on-site consultation (complete with written report) on both laneway houses and garden suites.
ORDER your $89 consult and reportKnow BEFORE you buy or sell. Information on our laneway house consultations are HERE, and you can order your garden suite consultation right HERE – discounted to just $89 through September.