Every now and then we come across a nice little house priced at under $1 million, right in the heart of the city. AND the opportunity to add a brand new additional detached house – on the very same lot – for less than $300,000.

Today, we see that unique opportunity right in beautiful Leslieville. Add the two together, the $999,900 current house purchase, and a brand new laneway house build that will cost under $300,000, and you have two houses for less than $1.3 million – or under $650,000 each house.

Now, the laneway house at this location on Hertle would only be about 560 square feet maximum, but it could be two floors, and still extremely attractive. The photos of the laneway house under construction above are a laneway house from Lanescape – and plans and details of that 495 square foot build can be found HERE.